An Edmonton Compliance Certificate is normally applied by the Buyer of your proerty or the buyer's Lawyer.
We always recommended to our client when selling or planning to sell their property, it is always wise to check your property to ensure all features such as deck, basement, fences, porch and etc are all meeting the City's Bylaw, code and that all new and additional structures or basement developments etc have approved Development and Building Permits.
By applying the Compliance Certificate early, you will save alot time and headache with your property's buyingf and selling process. We have seen some of our clients have lost their potential buyers because of non-compliance issues with their property.
Inorder to apply for Edmonton Comoliance Certificate, you will need to pay for a small fees and submit a Real Property Report. The Real Property Report is basically a land survey plan done by a professional Surveyor and will usually cost about a few hundred dollars.
Please remember, resolving non-compliance certificate issues with the City of Edmotn will take time. So, apply for your Compliance Certificate early and you will have a smoother process with your buyers and Lawyers.
Please contact us for more information.